The Football Coaching Bible
American Football Coaches Association (Auteur)
Acheter neuf : EUR 18,46 (as of 12/20/2012 10:31 PST)
10 neuf & d'occasion a partir de EUR 10,10 (as of 12/20/2012 10:31 PST)
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Description du produit
The Football Coaching Bible features many of the game’s most successful coaches. Each shares the special insight, advice, and strategies they’ve used to field championship-winning teams season after season. The 27 chapter contributing coaches span six decades of the sport and reach into every corner of the United States. The impressive list of contributors: Joe Paterno Bobby Bowden Tom Osborne Hayden Fry Jim Young Sonny Lubick Phil Fulmer Jerry Sandusky Mike Bellotti Dick Foster Frosty Westering Barry Alvarez Grant Teaff Mack Brown Fisher DeBerry Gene Stallings Larry Kehres George Curry Jim Tressel Bill Snyder Bo Schembechler R.C. Slocum Lou Holtz Joe Tiller LaVell Edwards Ken Sparks Frank Beamer They cover every aspect of the game: coaching principles, program building, player motivation, practice sessions, individual skills, team tactics, offensive and defensive play-calling, and performance evaluation. Developed by the American Football Coaches Association, this coaching guide establishes a new standard of excellence in the sport.
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